Undergraduate Dissertation Prize
Each year the society awards an annual prize for a research dissertation submitted as part of an undergraduate degree (B.A. / B.Sc.).
The subject of the dissertation may be any aspect of reproduction, birth or infancy that is relevant to the aims of the Society. Prizes must be applied for at the same time as submitting a conference abstract or symposium.
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Masters Dissertation Prize
Each year the Society awards an annual prize for a research dissertation submitted as a full or partial requirement for a post graduate degree, including MSc, MPhil, MRes other similar awards.
The subject of the dissertation may be any aspect of reproduction, birth or infancy that is relevant to the aims of the Society. Prizes must be applied for at the same time as submitting a conference abstract or symposium.
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Doctoral Thesis Prize
Each year the Society awards an annual prize for a research thesis submitted as a full or partial requirement for a post graduate degree, including PhD and DClinPsy.
The subject of the dissertation may be any aspect of reproduction, birth or infancy that is relevant to the aims of the Society. Prizes must be applied for at the same time as submitting a conference abstract or symposium.
Submissions are now shut
Early Career Researcher Prize
Each year the Society awards an annual prize to an early career researcher who is making an outstanding contribution to research. The research can be on any aspect of reproduction, birth or infancy that is relevant to the aims of the Society. Prizes must be applied for at the same time as submitting a conference abstract.
Submissions are now shut